Weddings by Raina
Serving all of Maryland and 
Southern Pennsylvania
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Maryland License Info
You are responsible for obtaining a valid Maryland marriage license prior to the day of your wedding. Keep in mind, there is a 48 hour waiting period to receive a marriage license in Maryland(not including Weekends & Holidays) and the license is valid for 6 months. You must obtain a marraige license for the county or city you wish to be married in.

ID Requirement in Maryland:

If you are between 18 - 21, you must provide identification in the form of a drivers license or birth certificate. Only one applicant needs to be present. We recommend bringing identification with you even if you are over 21.(Execpt Cecil County where both partied must be present)

Residency Requirement:

You do not have to be a resident of Maryland. However, you must be married in the county where you purchased your license.

Previous Marriages:

Maryland requires that you show your divorce decree, or have information regarding date, county and state of death of your previous spouse.

Fees in Maryland:

$35 - $60 depending on the county, payable by cash or credit cards. 

Under 18:

Parental consent is needed if under 18 years of age. 

Pennsylvania License Info
Please check with the specific county you wish to be married in.